2009년 8월 4일 화요일

Tommy & Tiky : Intelli-Studio


Now, shall we start the lecture?
Let’s find out how to convert the movie or picture format, which is one of the most important functions of ‘Intelli-Studio’.013


‘Setting’ window will show up when you do the right click on movie file and enter to the ‘Convert Movie’. Let’s take a look from the top what can we choose from each sections.



First, ‘File Type’. As you can see, you can select from H.264, iPod, iPod touch, WMV. Let’s convert to WMV for now.s01


You can select one from three choices for ‘Quality’, however, you’ll probably know that file volume is bigger for higher quality of movie. So select ‘Normal’ for now.


‘fps’ from ‘Frame’ section represents ‘frame per second’ and it tells you how many frame changes per 1 second. If you don’t have some special reason, stay in ‘Preserve original settings’ is the best for you.s04 

If the resolution of file stays same after you convert the original, select ‘Preserve original ratio’ for the ‘Aspect Ratio’.




When the resolution of original file and converted file are different, you should choose ‘Fit to output size’ from ‘Aspect ratio’ section however, you can distort the screen at this time.
Then, click ‘Advanced’ to select the screen option from ‘Aspect Ratio Settings’.s06


After you select the saving folder, setting for converting is over. Now you can click ‘Convert’ button. Not bad, isn’t it?



Do the right click on converted file and select ‘Properties’ to see the file’s information. Converted file is going to have the word ‘Converted’ following the original file name.



You can also convert photo into JPEG and BMP, changing resolution and saving quality.

Just like movie file, do the right click and click ‘Convert Photo’. Then window looks like below is coming up.041

Let’s tour from the top again.

You’ll have two types of file, JPEG and BMP, but BMP has bigger volume than JPEG.





After select ‘User Input’, you can also type the resolution that you want. Depend on the number that you type in ‘Width’ box, the number in ‘Height’ box changes automatically.

If you revoke the maintenance ratio by clicking the mark that you seen in the red box, you can type each ‘Width’ and ‘Height’ by yourself. However, it can change the photo ratio compare to the original, so be careful with that.



You have three saving qualities, but it’s obvious that higher quality’s having higher volume, isn’t it?


Checking method after converting is same as the movie.

Oh. I thought the function like this is only possible in difficult, complicated program. I never knew that I can do this function so easy!

Told you so.

You also can move original movie that you filmed as well as the edited movie from PC to camcorder through ‘Intelli-Studio’. Once you connect this camcorder to TV again, you can see the movie that you edited in PC through TV.

However, you can’t control all kinds of file. The file format has to be one of H.264, MP4, or WMV9.

Well then, let’s move the file to camcorder, shall we?
Above window is PC, and below one is camcorder.
Click ‘Send’ button or drag the file to the below.



Then the massage looks like below will pop up. It’s better to click always for ‘Auto-check movie files requiring format conversion’. For edited movie, the file is not going to play in camcorder if you don’t do the format conversion.



There, now movie has been moved to camcorder. Do the right click and check the file properties, same as above.




We’ll start full-scale of movie editing from next time.



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