2009년 7월 2일 목요일

Liquefied Effect


What catches the eyes of the novice is inevitably different from a professional’s. When you are a novice, you tend to be fascinated by what is popular or beautiful. But as you accumulate the skills, you are gradually liberated from popularity or beauty. Following the footsteps of the professionals and pressing the shutter and flashing some lights, I have become a little more acquainted with the camera angle and now have different eyes to see objects. Things that went unnoticed in the past are clearly visible now. I guess this is the timing to naturally become friends with my camera?

Am I a little more mature now? HaHa :P

You may have noticed that Ca’em’s view on correction had changed from the last posting. And today is the last step, which is liquefied effect that can be easily done using Photoshop. How to do it? It is very simple that I feel embarrassed even to explain it. You simply need to use the liquefy tool in Filter to give the image an oil painting feel.

You may have noticed that Ca’em’s view on correction had changed from the last posting. And today is the last step, which is liquefied effect that can be easily done using Photoshop. How to do it? It is very simple that I feel embarrassed even to explain it. You simply need to use the liquefy tool in Filter to give the image an oil painting feel.

WB500_pinwheel 157

Origin Image - samsung WB500(HZ10W)

Go to Filter>Liquefy and you will find something like below.


Freely move around your mouse over it. Just one thing, the effect you give may vary depending on the shape of the object. Ca’em primarily used flower for liquefy mash. You guys can either enlarge or reduce the size of Brush from ‘Tool Options’. If the area of picture that you want to apply is large like the picture below, apply with size 70 or if the area is small, apply with size 30-50. Just apply the effect whatever you want. It help to release your stress a bit, I guess : )


<Before correction>


<After correction>

Ca’em mostly used flowers for ‘Liquify mash’. To save the original image, gave the effect along the shape of the petal. When you finished with enough effect, click OK button for the last!! Then you are done with ‘Liquefy Image’



Let’s give little more effect on this image. Select ‘Hue/saturation’ from right below menu layer and low the saturation. Apply to show only purple color.

liquify_pro_10 Low the saturation by moving the cursor to the left.



To help your understanding, I attached this gif.file. Look here.


If you feel boring from the normal flower image, twist the picture by using ‘Liquefy Filter’ is one choice that you can make. This filter is usually applying for ‘reform’ or ‘image composition’, but not for ‘editing’. However, after apply this filter to a picture it looks more ‘arty’ than just normal picture.

Egoist Ca’em. I want to give “abstract” for the subtitle of this post.

This filter is a popular tool used to correct or combine pictures but not widely used for photo editing. Although it’s mostly used for correction, it is still quite arty if you apply it to a photo. Ca’em now into abstract objects??

When selecting the image to liquefy, photos with high saturation usually provide better results. Please be noted that photos with numerous colors take way longer to convert as much touching work is required.


White Explored


Purple Explored

Now that I look at the output image, it reminds me of decalcomania. You know, the identical drawing you get when you fold a drawing into half? So, during the last two weeks, we’ve looked at various photo editing functions available in Photoshop. I know I was way far from being perfect, but I do hope that my postings helped you to become more familiar with photo correction. So, that’s it for correction! Next time, I plan to share beautiful pictures with nature as lighting rather than artificial images. You can look forward to more mature photos of Ca’em!

The following are images taken with WB1000 - abstract images that can be expressed with a mini DSLR~ See ya! :)

WB500_ordianry 105

 WB1000(TL320) 2.8F l 1/750S l 200ISO 

WB500_ordianry 121

shutter speed priority AE

 WB1000(TL320) 4.0F l 1/20S l 200ISO negative effect


All of images had taken with WB500

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