Super Macro: Close-up
ST10 supports Super Macro function. Super Macro is a sort of close-up shot functions which make it possible to take closer shot than regular close-up shots. ST10’s Super Macro is good for 1-5cm close-up shots. Now, let’s investigate how well the Super Macro function works.
I took a picture of a grain of rice using Super Macro. I put it on A4 sheet, and the lower right part looks red because of the reflection of the camera’s red cover. If you take a picture of something shiny like a coin using Super Macro, it glints back a lot.
I cropped the central area of the above image to the original size.
This is a regular close-up shot of an almond candy
This is a Super Macro shot of an almond candy.
I cropped the center.
I took a picture of a cotton bud using Super Macro.
I took a shot of the red square area in the regular $2 bill using ST10's Super Macro function.
The image is resized after shooting the area.
I cropped the central area as the original size. ST10's Super Macro function is outstanding enough to express the paper texture of the bill.
Likewise, I cropped Thomas Jefferson's eye part in the original image of $2 bill.
Close-up function is one of the fun and important features in compact digital cameras. ST10 has a superior close-up feature compared to other compact digital cameras. Since it’s a spring time with the flowers blooming and bees flying, (though it’s hot as summer) this close-up function will be more useful.
You can read the ST10’s previous reviews here, and other photos taken by ST10 here.
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